Dundas Art Cloud
Group Project | Site Development | Architecture | 2017
where to start
Mediqueue was an idea and solution to a problem that I personally experienced. After a visit to the walk-in clinic, I noticed that there were unpredictable wait times even when going at a time one would assume it would be less busy. This led me to create a concept of a medical queue app that presents a solution to unpredictable queue times and busy clinics.
the problem
Unpredictable queue times, and crowded walk-in clinics isn’t ideal for either the clinic or the people in there waiting. Most walk-in clinics do not have a system setup where one can actively view how busy it is or not. One could call ahead to see if it’s busy, but it doesn’t guarantee that by the time they get there that it will be busy or not. You cannot make bookings either at walk-ins due to the nature of what they are; walk in clinics.
the solution
Eliminating the mystery of wait time, and also adding in a reservation system that requires minimal/no effort from the clinic staff was the main goal. With an app and online infrastructure set up, patients can hop on their phone or computer and check the clinic that they want to go to and see what queue number they would be entered in at. Once they see the estimated wait time, the patient can then see who they will be seeing, and their queue position. The app would then notify the patient when their position is coming up, letting them know when to arrive by, thus eliminating busy clinic lobbies.
Where to start
The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Aliquam bibendum, turpis eu mattis iaculis, ex lorem mollis sem, ut sollicitudin risus orci quis tellus. Suspendisse nec congue purus. Phasellus sodales massa malesuada tellus fringilla, nec bibendum tellus blandit.
sample text
the idea
Creating an app and website platform for the reservation and queue time system.
the flow
The user experience is meant to be as linear as possible, with as little screen travel as possible. You have the account/login screen, then from there you progress onto picking location, then picking available clinics, then straight to appointments. Once appointment is selected you are given a countdown/queue position screen that also works off screen as a timer function on your phone lock screen notifications. The goal is to have people spend minimal time on the app itself; sign in, pick where you’re going, set up the appointment, then exit the app.
The whole experience is centered around minimizing wasted time, so having the app itself be simple and have linear functionality is important.
the product
MediQueue’s sole purpose is to streamline the user experience of walk-in clinics. Nobody likes waiting around, especially when they are at a walk-in. The functionality of the app helps the user experience around wait times and reservations at walk-in clinics be more smooth and hassle free.