Research | App Design | UI/UX | 2017
MarvelBuddy was conceptualized as a solution for low usage numbers of smart voice AI technologies. I wanted to create an app that had a fun and whimsical nature to it, making voice AI a little less serious and more inviting (partial to younger demographic and Marvel/superhero fans). I believe that voice AI is still in its early development stages, and that there is a raw power and capability it has to help people in everyday life; home, work, or recreational. This was my starting point for creating this mockup app project.
Voice AI technologies aren’t being used to their full capability by all age demographics (18-24, 25-49, 50+). A major issue surrounding voice technology is the lack of trust, and the comfort level of using it outside in public. People still find it strange to use it outside in public space, while also finding it hard to trust whether or not these voice AI’s are listening in on their everyday conversations. Another growing concern is that voice assistants are growing too complex or expensive, and there is a limited understanding of what to do with voice devices.
Breaking down the barriers that voice technologies face in regards to trust, complexity, and overall comfort levels using it was the main solution focus I had while developing this project. A lot of the discomfort, lack of trust, and unfamiliarity/notion of complexity comes around not being exposed to it at an earlier age. Kids growing up prior to the 2000’s did not, for the most part, grow up with a cellphone. If they did, it was mainly used as a communication device, and is not the recreational/multi use tool that it is now. Similarly, if kids growing up are exposed to voice AI at an earlier age, usage numbers would be higher, while them being more comfortable and familiar with voice assistants.
To get younger demographic more used to voice technologies, the goal was to create an app where voice assistants seem more appealing and inviting; creating an experience for younger demographic while they are using voice AI technologies that originally lack any user experience or fun.
I chose to use Marvel superheroes to create a fun and whimsical experience for users while they are using voice assistants.
The user experience is meant to be minimal and simple for everyone. Functionality was the most important thing, and the interface was designed with minimal distractions so that the main button is in a comfortable thumb position, and the work flow is clear for every users to get from point A to B.
The app has a simple user work flow takes you directly from hero selection, to confirmation, to then the purpose of the app. After a command is used, the app takes the user to an external page/wherever the user intends to go.
MarvelBuddy’s main goal is to be a simple, fun, and easy to use app that encourages and familiarizes people (youth in particular) with voice assistants, allowing for further development of voice technology and its powerful uses in a more hands free future.
All copyright content used was meant for conceptual purposes only. All rights reserved to Marvel studios, hero design and names do not belong to me, only the concept. This was a conceptual and fictitious project.
All numbers and percentages regarding voice technology usage are from