Research | App Design | UI/UX | 2017
Mediqueue was an idea and solution to the unpredictable and long wait times of a walk-in clinic. Personal experience and stories from other people led me to create a concept of an app that presents a solution to busy clinics and unpredictable queue times.
Unpredictable queue times, and crowded walk-in clinics isn’t ideal for either the clinic or the people in there waiting. Most walk-in clinics do not have a system setup where one can actively view how busy it is or not. One could call ahead to see if it’s busy, but it doesn’t guarantee that by the time they get there that it will be busy or not.
Eliminating the mystery of wait time, and also adding in a reservation system that requires minimal/no effort from the clinic staff was the main goal. With an app and online infrastructure set up, patients can hop on their phone or computer and check the clinic that they want to go to and see what queue number they would be entered in at.
The user experience is meant to be as linear as possible, with as little screen travel as possible. Account/login > location > available clinics > appointment. Once appointment is selected you are given a countdown/queue position screen that also works off screen as a timer function on your phone lock screen notifications. The whole experience is centered around minimizing wasted time, so having the app itself be simple and have linear functionality is important.
MediQueue’s sole purpose is to streamline the user experience of walk-in clinics. Nobody likes waiting around, especially when they are at a walk-in. The functionality of the app helps the user experience around wait times and reservations at walk-in clinics be more smooth and hassle free.