Terminal Love
Client Work | Poster Design | Graphic Design/Branding | 2018
Project Co-Produced by Gene Duterte and Madwharf Studios.
Terminal Love is a short film produced by director and creative mind Sina Dolati. Madwharf Studios was approached to create a poster that helped represent his work with a “Quentin Tarantino”-esque aesthetic. The concept and poster was developed through the use of custom typography, illustration styles, and unique compositions.
The main development was through looking at the fonts of films like The Hateful 8, and the artwork and illustration styles of posters related to Tarantino films. Experimented with preset fonts, and then eventually went with a custom-drawn font in the end. This was done to achieve a “messy” and more organic feel in the font; less uniformity.
Developing and drawing a style that matched the vintage feel that director Sina Dolati wanted to convey. Iterated with colours and composition, as well as refining the drawing style with finer shadows and linework.
First drawn iteration of the actors. Consistent and thicker lineweight. No shadows developed yet, just line placement and colour development.
Final iteration of the drawing style. Main difference in development is change/variance of lineweight, and level of shadows. Experimented with a line style, and coloured style to create more iterations.